Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Unemployed Ohio Man Chills Out In Extreme Igloo

Unemployed Ohio Laborer Redefines 'man Cave' By Building Extreme Igloo Complete With Cable TV

Jimmy Grey says he's been out of work for almost a year and needed a project to stay busy. So with the heavy snowfall this winter, the 25-year-old laborer got to work on an extreme igloo in his family's yard in Aquilla (ah-KWIL'-uh), about 30 miles east of Cleveland.

His four-room creation has 6-foot ceilings and an entertainment room. He powers the TV with an extension cord plugged into an outlet in the garage. He also ran wires for cable television with surround-sound stereo.

Grey says candles help add ambiance for nighttime get-togethers with friends, and the freezing temperatures mean that the beer never goes warm.

Information from: The Plain Dealer, http://www.cleveland.com


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